Representing clients throughout Ontario.

Meet Vladi

Vladi is an experienced civil and regulatory litigator with a proven track record of success in the courtroom. Vladi takes a thorough and tenacious approach to her cases. She excels at mastering the granular details and evidence that tell her clients’ stories in a compelling manner. At the same time, she sees the big picture strategy that will drive toward the desired result, whether that may be a determination by the Court or a negotiated settlement.

Vladi’s expertise spans a wide array of industries and all manner of disputes. She is adept at tackling complex cases involving detailed valuations and medical or scientific evidence. As lead counsel, she has successfully obtained rare remedies and won “close cases” at trial, including the determination that a written and signed contract was void on the basis of the doctrine of non est factum, and the reversal of a decision of a University to expel a student despite the usual deference afforded to universities’ academic functions.

Vladi represents individuals and businesses of all sizes involved in litigation before the Superior Court of Justice (including the Commercial List), the Divisional Court, the Court of Appeal, and professional regulatory tribunals. Vladi also acts for clients involved in confidential arbitral proceedings. Vladi assists clients involved in all stages of litigation, from pre-litigation advice and investigation through settlement and final appeals. She has appeared as lead counsel before all levels of Court in Ontario, including on appeals and judicial reviews before the Court of Appeal and Divisional Court.

Vladi’s commitment to advocacy began during law school at McGill University. She was recognized as the Best Oralist in the Faculty of Law’s Dean’s Moot, and was a member of the mooting team that won the prize for the best written submissions. She also acted as the Director of Student Advocacy of the Legal Information Clinic at McGill.

Prior to founding Ivanov Katz LLP, Vladi was a sole practitioner litigator, having established a thriving practice in January 2022. She was previously a partner at Ross Nasseri LLP, a leading litigation boutique. Vladi also previously practiced as a lawyer and articled in the litigation department of McCarthy Tétrault LLP.


BCL/LLB, McGill University Faculty of Law, 2014
University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, Exchange Semester, Fall 2013
BA (First Class Honours), McGill University, 2010

Vladi has spoken in continuing professional development programs on advocacy and litigation issues. She has volunteered as a coach and judge in student moot programs, and is committed to supporting and mentoring aspiring lawyers and junior members of the litigation bar.

Throughout her career, Vladi has provided hundreds of hours of pro bono legal services. For many years, she volunteered regularly at the Pro Bono Ontario Free Legal Advice Hotline, and continues to take on select matters on a pro bono basis. She has also secured the acquittal of a criminal accused on a summary conviction offence before the Ontario Court of Justice on a pro bono basis.

Affiliations & Memberships

Law Society of Ontario (called in 2015)
The Advocates’ Society
Ontario Bar Association

Commercial Litigation

Sutton Group-Admiral Realty Inc. v. Taborovska, 2021 ONSC 2837 and 2021 ONSC 5054
– Successfully resisted the enforcement of a written contract at trial on the basis of the doctrine of non est factum

– Acted for a publicly traded health technology company in a breach of contract claim

– Acted for a commercial tenant with respect to a dispute regarding the interpretation of a lease

– Defended the vendors of a pharmacy business in a claim for the payment of commission in connection with the sale

– Acted for commercial landlords against tenant corporations and their directors for breach of the relevant leases and relief from oppression

– Assisted a commercial landlord to resist an attempt by a tenant to invalidly exercise an early termination option in the lease

– Successfully resisted a motion for interim possession of industrial manufacturing equipment under Rule 44 of the Rules of Civil Procedure

– Represented clients involved in a private arbitration hearing to determine a dispute regarding the distribution of the proceeds of the sale of a residential development project

– Represented a supplier of fixtures for big box stores in a claim to recover over $2 million in unpaid invoices from a major retailer

Corporate Disputes

Agisheva v. Petrov, 2019 ONSC 3872
– Obtained leave to commence a derivative action on behalf of a closely held corporation for misappropriation of corporate opportunity and acted as plaintiff's counsel in the ensuing claim

– Defended an early-stage startup company in a breach of contract and oppression claim brought by some of its investors

– Acted for a corporation in a claim of breach of fiduciary duty against a departing business partner

– Represented the principal of a closely held professional services company with respect to its valuation, buyout, and winding up in the context of a divorce

Real Property Disputes

Sub-Prime v. 1219076
, 2019 ONSC 6100 
– Successfully argued an application with respect to the proper interpretation of a mortgage agreement

– Assisted a seller of residential property in retaining the deposit where a buyer was unable to close

– Acted for buyers of properties who have discovered defects in the property or misrepresentations in the listing after closing in asserting claims against sellers, realtors, and real estate lawyers

– Acted for property owners in a neighbour dispute regarding a right of way for use of a driveway and other property line issues

– Successfully resisted a motion for a certificate of pending litigation and stay of mortgage enforcement proceedings in aid of a claim of breach of contract, breach of trust, and conspiracy

– Acted in a confidential arbitration convened to determine the fair market value of land for rent reset purposes pursuant to a ground lease

– Acted for mortgage lenders with respect to power of sale proceedings

– Advised and acted for lenders, borrowers, and subsequent encumbrancers with respect to challenges to charges included on mortgage and lien discharge statements

– Acted for a commercial tenant operating a daycare facility with respect to a dispute with the landlord and neighbouring tenant regarding operational disruptions

– Acted for parties who co-own property with others with negotiating buyouts or sales of the properties, or bringing applications under the Partition Act to order a sale, and determining the fair distribution of the proceeds of sale

Tort & Negligence

– Acted for defendants in multi-party fraud claims arising from the conduct of co-defendant business partners or family members

– Acted for a food manufacturer in a claim of negligent provision of services against contractors and engineers

Professional Liability & Regulation

– Advised and acted for parties with claims or potential claims against their lawyers

– Represented real property holding companies claiming breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and conspiracy against their former realtors

– Represented a maxillofacial surgeon in connection with claims of breach of fiduciary duty

– Successfully negotiated a registration dispute with the College of Psychologists on behalf of a psychologist

– Represented pharmacists and other regulated health professionals in disciplinary proceedings at their regulatory colleges

– Acted for lawyers and clients with respect to disputes relating to lawyers’ compensation and assessments under the Solicitors Act

– Defended doctors and other regulated health professionals in professional negligence claims

– Prosecuted discipline proceedings on behalf of professional regulatory colleges

Appeals & Judicial Reviews

Ford v. University of Ottawa, 2022 ONSC 6828
– Successful judicial review application before the Divisional Court to challenge a University’s decision to expel a student on the basis that the process and outcome were unfair and unreasonable

Sokoloff v. Bateriwala, 2019 ONSC 5442
– Successfully opposed a motion to extend the time to set a matter down for trial after delay by the Plaintiff in pursuing the litigation, and resisted an appeal of this decision before the Divisional Court (Sokoloff v. Bateriwala, 2020 ONSC 7569)

Sub-Prime Mortgage Corporation v. 1219076 Ontario Limited, 2019 ONCA 581
– Argued an appeal in which the Court of Appeal clarified the appropriate procedure to be used when a mortgage discharge statement is disputed

Benedetto v. 2453912 Ontario Inc., 2019 ONCA 149
– Acted as counsel on an appeal in which the Court of Appeal addressed how the law of deposits interacts with the law of pre-incorporation contracts under Section 21 of the Ontario Business Corporations Act

Houle v. St. Jude Medical Inc., 2018 ONCA 88 
– Appeared as counsel on an appeal in which the Court of Appeal considered the distinction between interlocutory and final orders in the class actions funding context

Blew v. Ontario College of Teachers, 2016 ONSC 8053
– Successfully resisted an attempted appeal to the Divisional Court from an interlocutory decision of a professional regulatory tribunal on the basis of prematurity

König v. Hobza, 2015 ONCA 885
- Appeared as counsel on an appeal in which the Court of Appeal considered the effects of settlement offers in the setting of costs

Preemptive Remedies

Lobanova v. Grynyshyn, 2019 ONSC 3064
– Resisted an injunction to stay an arbitration

Bruno-Manser-Fonds v. Royal Bank of Canada, 2018 ONSC 918
– Successfully resisted an application for a Norwich order in aid of an intended private criminal prosecution

– Obtained numerous Anton Piller orders to seize evidence or secure proprietary information where there is a risk of spoliation, destruction, or improper dissemination

– Successfully brought and resisted numerous injunctions relating to closely-held businesses in the context of disputes about the operation or ownership of the business

– Negotiated “status quo” orders or interim arrangements with respect to the conduct of a business where an injunction has been sought or threatened

Advice & Opinions

– Advised a commercial tenant on the interpretation of a right of first refusal in its lease

– Provided an opinion on the scope of a limitation of liability clause in a power supply contract

– Retained to advise property owners on the effect of an application by a developer to extinguish an easement in the nature of a right of way over a portion of a neighbouring property

– Advised on the enforceability in Ontario of judgments obtained in other provinces or abroad

– Retained by other counsel to provide drafting, research, and advisory services on motions, appeals, and costs submissions at the conclusion of trial