Representing clients throughout Ontario.

Tort & Negligence Matters

We have extensive experience handling various types of tort and negligence matters for both plaintiffs and defendants. We represent defendants alleged to have caused damage or loss through their own conduct or the conduct of others under their supervision, including healthcare provider clinics and parents.

We handle a range of economic tort cases, such as fraud, conspiracy, inducing breach of contract, interference with economic relations, and misrepresentation. These allegations often intersect with other areas of law, including corporate, contract, and family law. Our broad expertise allows us to navigate these complex issues effectively.

Our experience enables us to address the specifics and complexities of each case, including multi-party litigation, insurance coverage, non-covered claims, and the reputational impacts of sensitive allegations.

Our work in this area includes:

– Defending claims of negligence, breaches of fiduciary duty, and abuse against professionals in various industries, including regulated healthcare providers.
– Acting for employers, parents, and others alleged to be responsible for the negligence or wrongdoing of those under their supervision or control
– Representing both plaintiffs and defendants in economic tort claims, including fraud, conspiracy, inducing breach of contract, interference with economic relations, and misrepresentation
– Handling property-related tort claims, including nuisance, conversion, and trespass
– Providing opinions and representing plaintiffs in claims of negligence and breach of fiduciary duty against lawyers and other professionals

Reported Decisions

Robins v. 2758729 Ontario Inc. et al, 2023 ONSC 4367
– Moved successfully to strike claims against a lawyer and law firm for conspiracy, intentional interference with economic relations, breach of privacy, champerty and maintenance

Representative Work

– Acted for defendants in multi-party fraud claims arising from the conduct of co-defendant business partners or family members
– Acted for a food manufacturer in a claim of negligent provision of services against contractors and engineers

Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LawPRO)
Repeatedly acted as counsel to lawyers and law firms in the defence of professional negligence claims, including allegations of negligent trial conduct, improvident settlement, mishandling of private mortgage transactions, and conflict of interest